Cheeks Filler Treatments London, UK

As we age, alongside changes in skin with wrinkling and fine lines, we lose definition and volume in the cheeks. There is a complex arrangement of superficial and deep self contained parcels of fat in the midface that provide youthful plump and contouring to the cheeks. These help to define the cheekbone region. The deep parcels of fat tend to deflate. Alongside loss of volume there tends to be a sagging effect that contributes to the formation of hollowing under the eyes (tear trough), nasolabial lines as well lines across both cheeks often referred to as nasojugal lines.


What are the treatment options for cheek enhancement?

Clever enhancement of the cheek regions can result in replenishment of volume depleted areas as well as providing a lifting effect.

Is this treatment suitable for both men and women?

We understand the differences between the male and female face. For women we can rejuvenate the cheeks and help to re-establish a youthful plump to the cheeks without going over the top as well as bring back a feminine heart shape to the face as a whole. For men we can provide extra definition to the cheekbone areas to provide a stronger more masculine look without feminising the face. Dermal fillers are a safe and reversible treatment that can bring immediate results and help to restore your youth and confidence.

What other treatments can be used to rejuvenate the cheeks?

A direct lifting effect can be provided by the use of threads such as the PDO and PCL threads. They can aid to directly lift the sagging cheek tissues with effects that are immediately noticeable. PDO and PCL threads also help to increase collagen and elastin making the overlying skin tighter. These effects tend to take around 3 months to notice but the wait is well worth it. The combination of thread lifting and hyaluronic acid dermal fillers can result in very effective results for cheek enhancement and mid-face rejuvenation. They complement each other very well.

Before After

©Individual results may vary.

Fat cells are the ultimate natural filler. At Rejuvence, using minimally invasive VASER liposuction techniques we are able to harvest fat cells from the flanks. The fat cells are then spun in a centrifuge and combined with PRP to form a natural long lasting filler that can be used to revolumise the cheeks and provide definition along the cheekbones. The fat cells are a rich source of stem cells and growth factors and when micronised using a special filter we can also supplement fat transfer treatments with stem cells providing a youthful glow and improvement in fine lines and wrinkles. Although more involving, in the long run, using your own fat cells to restore volume and definition is more effective with better overall results. These results can last for 5 to 10 years assuming a healthy lifestyle.

At Rejuvence Clinic we are experts in the use of dermal fillers for cheek enhancement. We can also provide alternatives with longer lasting results

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