Medical Laser Hair Removal London, UK

At Rejuvence we provide medically supported laser hair removal services. Our experienced laser aestheticians work with our doctors to offer our clients both cosmetic and medical laser hair removal services. Medical conditions resulting from abnormal functioning or growth of hair over certain parts of the body can be treated with lasers.

What laser is used at Rejuvence?

At Rejuvence we use the cynosure elite plus aesthetic workstation. Melanin has an absorption wavelength between 600nm and 1100nm. The cynosure elite plus system consists of an Alexandrite and Nd:Yag solid state laser. 


Alexandrite operates at a wavelength of 755 nm whilst the Nd:Yag laser operates at a wavelength of 1064 nm. These are both within the absorption wavelengths of melanin and hence extremely effective at laser hair removal. In addition thanks to their specificity for follicular melanin these lasers not only result in damage to the hair follicle reducing hair thickness but there is also associated damage to the entire pilosebaceous unit including the sebaceous and apocrine glands linked to the hair follicle.

What is Alexandrite Laser?

The alexandrite 755nm laser is a solid state laser. It is able to penetrate 3 mm into the skin with moderate absorption by melanin. It’s considered to be the gold standard for hair removal using laser. It is suitable for both lighter and slightly darker skin types. Generally this means skin types I to III. The Alexandrite laser has been used to treat a number of different skin conditions including ingrown hairs, pilonidal sinus, hidradenitis suppurativa, as well as  cosmetic laser hair removal.

What is a Nd:YAG laser?

The Nd:YAG 1064nm laser is also a solid state laser and has the least absorption by melanin and hence is very safe for darker skin types. It has much fewer side-effects in darker skin types especially compared to conventional lasers used for hair removal such as IPL. It can penetrate to around 4 mm into the skin and is generally considered to be the gold standard for skin types IV to VI.

Medical Conditions
